Questions & Answers

As I promised, here is the first part of your questions and my answers. I tried to answer as specific and detailed as I could. If there is something you would like to found out about me and is not yet covered, please feel free to send me your question by e-mail and I will

Nudism = Happiness

Are nudists and naturists happier than the rest of the world? Are they more connected with Nature and does that deep connection gives them different (even better) understanding of themselves? I am thinking about it for some time now. Since the beginning of my naked journey, my life has changed to better without any doubt.


If you are planning your nude vacation, then you should know all about the top 10 nudist beaches in Croatia! Nude swimming has a very long tradition in Croatia. And Croatian nudist beaches are among the most beautiful in the world. It was not easy to pick just 10 of them, but I have made

nude in tropical garden

Thailand Nudist Guide

If you are a tropics lover, then you probably have Thailand on the top of your bucket list. And why wouldn't you? Thailand is an exotic tropical paradise that can give you all that you can imagine and much more. But, for me, the most important thing when choosing my next destination is that I

nudist hiking

Why I love nudist hiking?

As a true naturist there is nothing I enjoy more then being in nature...without clothes. As I said so many times before, for me there is something very special in the feeling of freedom that is given to you when you are truly becoming one with the nature, without chains of clothes. And nudist hiking

naturist camping

Why camping?

My favourite way of feeling the nature as an naturist is by camping. Literally living in the nature 0-24 is one of more reasons why camping is one of my biggest loves: Escape from the urban Camping by its very nature means being detached from the amenities of the civilisation. First of all, it was a