naturist camping

First time in mixed nudist & textile camp

I was never before in a mixed nudist and textile camp. Until now. I would always choose an only nudist camp, but this time, this mixed camp Kosirina on Murter in Croatia was on the way so the decision was made: it is time for the first experience of a mixed camp.

Check out why I love camping, and why you should try it here.

I wondered how different it is from a regular only nudist camp? Will there be separated areas for nudist and textiles? Or will we be altogether? Will there be more nudists or textiles? Will the textiles react to nudity? How will I feel naked around people in bathing suites if that will be the scenario?

Arriving at the camp

First, when we arrived at the camp and go to the reception I asked if there is an area dedicated only to nudists. The receptionist said that here we are all mixed together and can be naked anywhere except in the bars and reception. Ok, that works for me. So now was the time to find a perfect place. If you ever went camping than you know how important and how hard is to find a perfect place. The perfect place is the one that is big enough, that is in the shade, in the first row to the sea, close to the toilets and close to the power connection. After some searching here it was, the perfect spot!

While searching I have already noticed that nudists in this camp are not the majority. In fact, as I learned later, besides me, there were only several nudist couples.

How to behave when encircled by textiles in a mixed camp where there are no separated areas dedicated only for nudists or only for textiles?

It really depends on yourself and how do you feel about being naked in front of a bunch of dressed people. If you are not feeling comfortable being the only one naked around a lot of people wearing clothes then it is best to find some private part of the beach. Most often, nudists go to the end of the beach, and even there was no special sign, that was the place where all nudists went in this campsite.

If you do not mind being nude when everyone else is wearing clothes, then you can enjoy just like in the regular only nudists camp. In this one you could be naked all the time: around your camp, when walking around the camp, going for a swim, workout, cook, eat, play games…

How did textiles react to nudity?

Typically they didn´t. They all know before coming that the camp is mixed and therefore there will be naked people around. I have never heard someone commenting nudity. Or even notice someone staring improperly. Perhaps there was some more looking at the naked people, but I guess that was more from curiosity than anything else.

How did I feel naked in front of a lot of clothed people?

In the beginning, I was a little bit nervous that there are not more nudists. I did not what kind of reaction to expect from my neighbors as they were not nudists. I know that I had every right to be naked here, but I really didn´t want them giving me dirty looks. My little fears were luckily unfounded. There was no problem at all. Nobody was giving me dirty looks, nobody was commenting.

I had a great time. But, to be completely honest, I would prefer that there were separated areas for nudists and textiles. Because when you are the only one naked around all the clothes people, you do feel a little strange. Not like you are doing something wrong, but like you are different. And that is not a thing in nudists only camp.


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  1. Just love nudity
    Nudist beaches are great but meeting a like minded bunch of happy people is living

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  3. Where?

    1. in Croatia

  4. […] can’t we all just get along? First time in mixed nudist & textile camp In the U. S. not long ago, most nudist camps and resorts generally required guests to be naked, at […]

  5. […] can’t we all just get along? First time in mixed nudist & textile camp In the U. S. not long ago, most nudist camps and resorts generally required guests to be naked, at […]

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