Short road trip with Daytona

This summer was very intense with a lot of traveling across Croatia. As I am lucky to live in this beautiful country, I spend my summers discovering amazing places. There is almost nothing better than traveling from the rivers and the mountains to the sea and stopping wherever I want to wander around naked. One

Questions & Answers

As I promised, here is the first part of your questions and my answers. I tried to answer as specific and detailed as I could. If there is something you would like to found out about me and is not yet covered, please feel free to send me your question by e-mail and I will

Naturism & Sex

Sex. Something so normal. Something we all are doing and loving. Sex. Such a great pleasure. And yet, there is probably nothing more controversial. And if you are a naturist well... then this beautiful, magnificent, great sex is something not to talk about. Why naturists don´t like to talk about sex? People who are not

list of nudist films

List of nudist films (1)

Nudism and naturism are ways of living for centuries. It would be odd if there are not any films covering nudism and nudist lifestyle. There are plenty of them: documentary, drama, comedy, sci-fi, adventure, crime, romance... short ones, long name it. Some of them offer a great look into a nudist lifestyle, others...well they