Nudist tips from man to man

After my inbox was filled with e-mails from men asking me advice and tips for their first time on nude beach I decided to ask one of my male nudist friend to give me a help to write nudist tips for man. Because, you know, I honestly don´t know what it is like to get


Naked and free

Sometimes, there are days when all you need is to find a perfect place in nature away from everything. Do you ever feel that need? The need to be away from the world, away of beeing busy, stressed, overwhelmed with just everyday life. The need to be naked and free. Go out and breathe I

Naturist talk with Marc

As I say in my posts Naturism is for everyone. There are people all over the world that are enjoying naturist lifestlye. I am always happy when I get a chance to meet others that enjoy naturist lifestyle and the freedom that goes with it. I write posts about naturism in general, I share my

5 most important naturist etiquete

Nudist beaches, camps and resorts are as you already know no-clothes zones. But the fact that you are getting rid of your clothes does not mean that you can get rid of your manners! As the matter of fact good manners are must in nude society. Most naturist or nudist resorts have their own rules

Naked is normal

23.3. Just a little thought for the weekend: Naked is normal Don´t ever let anyone to make you think that this is not true. Love yourself, love your body - it is the only home you have. Celebrate your body and your freedom. Be naked. Be happy.  

naked in forest, nude in snow

Naked in the Forest

13.3. Nature Lover I am a nature lover. There is nothing better then wandering around  in nature, finding new hidden places and enjoying in the beauty that surrounds you. If you do that naked you will experience a special kind of freedom. That feeling of freedom is the reason why I become naturist. Without clothes