Questions & Answers

As I promised, here is the first part of your questions and my answers. I tried to answer as specific and detailed as I could. If there is something you would like to found out about me and is not yet covered, please feel free to send me your question by e-mail and I will

Nudism = Happiness

Are nudists and naturists happier than the rest of the world? Are they more connected with Nature and does that deep connection gives them different (even better) understanding of themselves? I am thinking about it for some time now. Since the beginning of my naked journey, my life has changed to better without any doubt.


Nudism on rivers

Wild rivers are one of my favourite places for nudism. Pure nature, no people and the sound of flowing water is all I need to be naked and happy 🙂 Honestly, can you even imagine more perfect place for nudism than on wild rivers? Even if you are just starting to explore nudist part of

nude in nature

Feel the calmness

There are just a few things that can make me feel calm. And with time I really started to appreciate the feeling of calmness. That feeling you have when you are able to forget about all the worries, all the bad things, everything that bothers you. And in moments like that you don´t make plans,