
Nudism on rivers

Wild rivers are one of my favourite places for nudism. Pure nature, no people and the sound of flowing water is all I need to be naked and happy 🙂 Honestly, can you even imagine more perfect place for nudism than on wild rivers? Even if you are just starting to explore nudist part of

nude in nature

Feel the calmness

There are just a few things that can make me feel calm. And with time I really started to appreciate the feeling of calmness. That feeling you have when you are able to forget about all the worries, all the bad things, everything that bothers you. And in moments like that you don´t make plans,

Nudist tips from man to man

After my inbox was filled with e-mails from men asking me advice and tips for their first time on nude beach I decided to ask one of my male nudist friend to give me a help to write nudist tips for man. Because, you know, I honestly don´t know what it is like to get