Short road trip with Daytona

This summer was very intense with a lot of traveling across Croatia. As I am lucky to live in this beautiful country, I spend my summers discovering amazing places. There is almost nothing better than traveling from the rivers and the mountains to the sea and stopping wherever I want to wander around naked. One


If you are planning your nude vacation, then you should know all about the top 10 nudist beaches in Croatia! Nude swimming has a very long tradition in Croatia. And Croatian nudist beaches are among the most beautiful in the world. It was not easy to pick just 10 of them, but I have made

nude in tropical garden

Thailand Nudist Guide

If you are a tropics lover, then you probably have Thailand on the top of your bucket list. And why wouldn't you? Thailand is an exotic tropical paradise that can give you all that you can imagine and much more. But, for me, the most important thing when choosing my next destination is that I